10 Things We Want From Skylanders 3: Part 3

The past two days have been Skylander 3 Mania here, with us listing ideas numbers one through five on what Skylanders 3 needs. Today, we’ll add three more.

6. Jumping on the Console Version: Is it too hard, Activision, to add jumping? If no jumping, we’ll need more bounce pads.

7. Back to a Skylands Hub: What we need is to get back off the airship and adventure out of the flying ship. The first hub was better than the second, to put it likely.

8. More Lightcore Versions: Lightcore wasn’t widely featured in Giants, so we all want more in 3, and less series 2s or 3s.

There you have it, our ideas 6-8 of new Skylanders improvements. Tell us yours in the comments, and check back later this week for parts 4 and 5.

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